Although saline nasal sprays are useful for numerous individuals, they do have their drawbacks. They are not particularly effective at relieving sinus discomfort, pressure and head aches. They do not kill bacterial and fungal bacterial infections, therefore do not help numerous persistent sinusitis victims. They do not reduce histamine therefore numerous allergy victims do not get sufficient reduction from their symptoms.

What are the benefits using our nasal aspirators?

Both Nosy® or Benny® nasal aspirators are approved and recommended by paediatricians and health visitors and can be used from birth.

They are safe, quick, effective and still gentle to your baby.

Gradual weaning – Gradually weaning yourself off of the offending nasal spray can be effective. Your current nasal spray can be diluted with saline solution, nevertheless it is very best to do this steadily or else your sinuses may suddenly turn out to be completely blocked (as if you have stopped using your decongestant).

You are invited to explore our website content to get infos on top 5 nasal sprays.
top 5 nasal sprays : visit our website for more info!
Nobu Baby is specialised in nasal products as a distributor of Dr Benny® Electric Nasal Aspirator, Benny® and Nosy® Nasal Aspirators and the Athomer Nasal Sprays.

Occasionally, a sinus infection can be caused by bacteria, particularly if a viral infection with nasal congestion has been present for some time. In this situation bacteria can start developing in the fluid-stuffed sinus pockets. Bacterial sinus infection generally needs to be treated with antibiotics.